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best digital marketing books

best digital marketing books

In these books I’ve learnt most of the digital marketing content, tips, and strategy that I apply today in my own business. They have been extremelly helpful for me to better understand some digital marketing concepts and how to apply them.

The books you will find below are super useful if you want to start learning digital marketing or to refresh what you already know about it. They all have amazing insights on a variety of topics you need to know to develop and grow your business in the digital era. 

Let me know in the comments below whether you read any of them and what do you think. I would love to use this space to start a conversation and exchange ideas with you!

Gary Vaynerchuk is one of the world’s leading marketing experts and author of many bestsellers. He has his own direct way to write and tell stories that facinates me. He is super original and in this book there are valuable tips on personal branding and how this kind of branding can lead to entrepreneurial success. 

The book is rich of examples from successfull entrepreneurs, their stories and how they used personal branding as a strategy to grow their business.

Specially if you are working a lot with social media, or plan to, this is a great book to understand the different platforms and how to profit from each of them. 

Click on the image to find a link to the book.

Although the book is aimed at marketers for encoraging them to work and think differently, it is also very rich for entrepreneurs who work on their marketing strategies themselves. The book poses very important questions to better understand the purpose of your product or service and how to market it in a way that makes more sense to your target audience.

The main take of this book for me is the thought of marketing as a driver of meaningful chance. The focus of makreting is no longer on products or services, place or even price. It is a lot more on creating genuine connection, stories, empathy and attention. Seth guides the readers very well into this new understanding of what marketing in today.

Click on the image to find a link to the book.

This book is really helpful if you are an entrepreneur and want to quickly understand how digital marketing works. It is really practical. The book guides you to stop doing random acts of marketing and to start following a plan for your business to succeed out there. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
In this book you will learn how to write a 1-page marketing plan for your business that is simple and fast to create. The book also gives you tips on how to close sales without being pushy, how to get better results with small budgets, and how to charge high prices for your products and services and have customers thank you for it ; )⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I really like the book, for me it was very refreshing and gave me interesting insights for my business.

Click on the image to find a link to the book.

Excellent book about innovative insights and creative thinking in advertising. The book contains not only amazing tips on problem solving and creativity, but it also is so beautifully designed that is a breath of fresh air.

Click on the image to find a link to the book.

THE BRAND GAP - by Marty Neumeier
The brand gap Marty Neumeier

This is an amazing easy to read book about the secrets to develop a brand identity that resonates across your business. 

It gives you a lot of good branding advice with good examples to follow.
My favourite takes from the book were:

– Know how to answer these questions with ease: Who are you? What do you do? Why does it matter?
– The foundation of brand is trust. Meet and exceed your customers expectations
– Your brand is a living organism. Alignment, not consistency, is the basis of a living brand

Click on the image to find a link to the book.

This is a super interesting book that explains in simple words what makes things popular in the digital world and why people talk about certain products and ideas than others. 

The mix of research and real stories make this book helpful for understanding the secrets behind word of mouth and social communication.

Click on the image to find a link to the book.

I am a bit of a suspect to talk about this book, because I love its author! Gary has a very entretaining and educational way of telling stories, so you cannot put this book down.

The greatest thing about this book is that there are plenty of examples of real social media posts and a clear explanation about why they were successful or a flop.

If you are planning social media for your business, this book will help you a lot. I’ve learnt tones from it ☺

Click on the image to find a link to the book.

This is a very interesting and to the point book about creating a story brand. It basically teaches a framework to help you simplify the message of your brand to make people easily understand and act on it.

This book also presents valuable tips on how to create effect copy writing for websites, brochures and social media. One of my favorites on branding!

Click on the image to find a link to the book.

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